Byte 1: NetFn: 0x2e Byte 2: CMD: 0xf0 Byte 3: COMP_IANA_MFG_ID 0: 0xcd Byte 4: COMP_IANA_MFG_ID 1: 0x65 Byte 5: COMP_IANA_MFG_ID 2: 0x00 Byte 6: Sensor Type: 0x1E Byte 7: EventData 1: 0x01 // you should add the actual data here: 00h No bootable media 01h Non-bootable diskette left in drive 02h PXE Server not found 03h Invalid boot sector 04h Timeout waiting for user selection of boot source Byte 8: EventData 2: 0xFF // No meaning Byte 9: EventData 3: 0xFF // No meaning
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# ipmitool sel list 1 | 03/20/2021 | 00:59:55 | Boot Error #0x19 | Non-bootable disk in drive | Asserted
# ipmitool sel get 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
SEL Record ID : 0001 Record Type : 02 Timestamp : 03/20/2021 00:59:55 Generator ID : 0092 EvM Revision : 04 Sensor Type : Boot Error Sensor Number : 19 Event Type : Sensor-specific Discrete Event Direction : Assertion Event Event Data (RAW) : 01ffff Event Interpretation Missing Description : Non-bootable disk in drive
Sensor ID : Boot Error (0x19) Entity ID : 160.96 Sensor Type (Discrete): Boot Error States Asserted : Boot Error [Non-bootable disk in drive]